2022 Annual General Meeting Conclusion and Updates
January 29, 2023
The Alberta Lacrosse Referees Association held the 2022 Annual General Meeting on January 27, 2023 at 7:00 PM at the Red Deer Inn and Casino.
During the AGM the following elections occurred:
The ALRA Executive thanks Raymond McCarthy for his continued dedication to the sport and association as he moves into the Past President role. Raymond has been an essential part of our organization and the lacrosse community for years, before and including his past Presidency.
Additionally, the ALRA Executive wants to thank those past Board Members and Assignors from 2022 that have not retained their position for 2023, for their work and engagement within our association and respective areas.
As of today, an updated list of executive is as follows:
Executive Members
Position | Name | |
President | Kevin Kohut | president@albertalacrosserefs.ca |
VP Member Services | Cameron Lafreniere | vpmemberservices@albertalacrosserefs.ca |
VP Finance | Jonathan Bennett | vpfinance@albertalacrosserefs.ca |
VP Development | Julian Grbich | vpdevelopment@albertalacrosserefs.ca |
VP Technical | Weston Kendall | vptechnical@albertalacrosserefs.ca |
Past President | Raymond McCarthy | pastpresident@albertalacrosserefs.ca |
Please note that the Executive is looking to fill a few roles in the province, and would appreciate it if any interested individuals reach out to the Executive for a conversation. The roles that we are currently looking to fill are:
As the 2023 Lacrosse Season quickly approaches, so does registration and clinics. Clinics are still being finalized and as clinics are finalized registration will open. Please check the ALRA Website for the most up to date clinic information, as well as your emails for registration announcements. Anticipating a continued demand for our members in games, we continue to look to grow our numbers and to develop existing officials. Should you have any questions regarding clinic, registration or season information as it is released, please email us.
ALRA Website for your quick reference:
Yours in lacrosse,
Cameron Lafreniere
Vice President Member Services
Alberta Lacrosse Referees Association